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विशेष सूचना- Arya Samaj तथा Arya Samaj Marriage और इससे मिलते-जुलते नामों से Internet पर अनेक फर्जी वेबसाईट एवं गुमराह करने वाले आकर्षक विज्ञापन प्रसारित हो रहे हैं। अत: जनहित में सूचना दी जाती है कि इनसे आर्यसमाज विधि से विवाह संस्कार व्यवस्था अथवा अन्य किसी भी प्रकार का व्यवहार करते समय यह पूरी तरह सुनिश्चित कर लें कि इनके द्वारा किया जा रहा कार्य पूरी तरह वैधानिक है अथवा नहीं। Kindly ensure that you are solemnising your marriage with a registered organisation and do not get mislead by large Buildings or Hall. For More information contact us at - 09302101186
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All India Arya Samaj Legal Marriage Services

If You are making plan to get married without huge expenses, Then your are on the right place. Marriage in Arya Samaj Mandir is very easy going procedure. More than hundreds marriage record & successful marrige makes us proud, making it one of the prominent temples in Alwar and adjoining areas for this purpose. With continued adherence to the essential tenets of the Arya Samaj Mandir Wedding and abiding by the law of the land, we carry out the whole procedure with traditional Vedic rituals.

Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust upholds the tradition of simplicity of procedures and non-extravagance which is commonly associated with these marriages. Whether it is the love marriage, arranged marriage or the inter-caste and inter-religion marriages, we serve you with the best of our services to help you bond with your beloved for a life-time.
akhil bharat arya samaj

Marriage services by Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust have been used by the people from far and wide like: Rajasthan, Chhattishgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, New Delhi & All states and Cities of All India for getting married in a completely legal way. (Besides carrying out the actual marriages, we also provide the pre-marriage consultancy strictly from the legal perspective.) We examine each case of marriage strictly from legal standpoint and follow the procedures enshrined therein in to.

If you have any Query & Plan for marriage by Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust, Don’t hesitate Just Call to Mr. Dev Shastri - 08120018052

Please do not call us after 8:00 PM

Contact for more information -

National Administrative Office
Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust
Arya Samaj Mandir Annapurna
Narendra Tiwari Marg
Near Bank of India
Opp. Dussehra Maidan
Bank Colony, Indore (M.P.) 452009
Tel.: 0731-2489383, 9302101186

Regional Office (Bhopal)
Arya Samaj Sanskar Kendra
Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust
Bhopal Branch
Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay
Girls College
Shiv Mandir, Bairagarh
Bhopal (M.P.) 462030
Helpline No.: 8989738486

Regional Office (Chand-Chhindwara)
Arya Samaj Sanskar Kendra
Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust
Chhindwara Branch
Ward No. 7, Near Nagar Parishad
Chhindwara (M.P.)
Helpline : 9300441615, 9009662310

Regional Office (Jabalpur)
Arya Samaj Sanskar Kendra
Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust
Jabalpur Branch
TFF-8, Samdariya Complex No.1
Near Damoh Naka, Jabalpur (M.P.)
Helpline No.: 9300441615

Regional Office (Gwalior)
Arya Samaj Sanskar Kendra
Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust
Gwalior Branch
Mahavirpura, DABRA
Gwalior (M.P.) 475110
Helpline No.: 8989738486

Regional Office (Raipur)
Arya Samaj Sanskar Kendra
Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust
Raipur Branch
Opposite Wondland Water Park
DW-4, Indraprastha Colony
Ring Road No.-1
Raipur (Chhattisgarh) 492010
Helpline No.: 9109372521

Regional Office (Bilaspur)
Arya Samaj Sanskar Kendra
Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust
Bilaspur Branch
Agrasen Chouk, Super Market
Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh) 495001
Helpline : 8120018052, 8989738486

Regional Helpline (Jodhpur)
Helpline : 8120018052, 8989738486

Regional Helpline Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Helpline No.: 8120018052 

Regional Helpline
(Bihar, Jharkhand & Odisha / Orissa)
Helpline : 8120018052, 8989738486 

Regional Helpline
(Maharashtra & Gujarat)

Helpline No.: 9109372521 

Regional Helpline
(Delhi NCR, Haryana & U.P.)
Helpline : 8989738486, 9300441615 

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भगवान श्रीकृष्ण कहते हैं कि इस देह में यह जीवात्मा मेरा ही संतान अंश है, पर आत्मबोध के अभाव में हम अज्ञानतावश, अविद्यावश, चित के संस्कारों के प्रभाव में आकर स्वयं को शरीर, मन, बुद्धि और इंद्रियाँ माने बैठें हैं और तदनुरूप क्रियाकलाप में लिप्त हैं।
All India Inter Caste Marriage Promotion For Prevent of Untouchability | All India Inter Caste Marriage Consultants | All India Arya Samaj Marriage Rules | All India Inter Caste Marriage Promotion for National Unity by Arya Samaj Alwar | Human Rights | All India Human Rights to Marriage | All India Court Marriage Consultants.
Lord Shri Krishna says that this soul in this body is my child, but in the absence of self-realization, out of ignorance, ignorance, under the influence of impressions of the mind, we consider ourselves as body, mind, intellect and senses and engage in activities accordingly. Are.
All India Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage Consultants | All India Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate | All India Arya Samaj Marriage Procedure | All India Arya Samaj Marriage Registration | All India Arya Samaj Marriage Documents | All India Arya Samaj Wedding Procedure | All India Arya Samaj Intercaste Marriage | All India Arya Samaj Wedding.
जीवात्मा ने स्वयं को आत्मा से नहीं, बल्कि शररी से, मन से, बुद्धि से, इंद्रियों से संबद्ध व आबद्ध कर लिया है। वह वस्तुतः आत्मा है, पर स्वयं को काल्पनिक रूप से शरीर माने बैठा है, इसलिए वह बंधन में है, पर यह बंधन वास्तविक नहीं, काल्पनिक है; क्योंकि यह काल्पनिक बंधन हमारे मन ने ही हमारे लिए रचा है। 
All India Arya Samaj Wedding Rituals | All India Legal Arya Samaj Wedding | All India Arya Samaj Shaadi | All India Arya Samaj Mandir Shaadi | All India Arya Samaj Shadi Procedure | All India Arya Samaj Shadi | All India Arya Samaj Mandir Shadi | All India Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate.
The soul has attached and bound itself not to the soul, but to the body, the mind, the intellect, and the senses. He is actually a soul, but he has imagined himself to be a body, so he is in bondage, but this bondage is not real, it is imaginary; Because our mind has created this imaginary bond for us.
All India Arya Samaj Marriage Validity | All India Arya Samaj Marriage Ceremony | All India Arya Samaj Wedding Ceremony | All India Arya Samaj Marriage Documents Required | All India Inter Caste Marriage for prevent of untouchability | All India Arya Samaj Pandits Helpline | All India Arya Samaj Pandits | Arya Samaj Pandits for All India Marriage.
वर्तमान जीवन में भी हम फलासक्ति और कर्तापन की भावना से अच्छे-बुरे जो भी कर्म कर रहे हैं, वे भी हमारे चित्त में नित्त नए संस्कार सृजित कर रहे हैं। वे सभी संस्कार, स्मृतियाँ, आसक्तियाँ ही वे रस्सियाँ हैं, जिनसे हम स्वयं को बँधा हुआ मानते हैं, पर यहाँ प्रश्न यह है कि जो जीव ब्रम्ह का अंश है, जो जीवात्मा परमात्मा का सनातन अंश है क्या उसे संस्कारों, आसक्तियों व स्मृतियों की रस्सियाँ बाँधें रह सकती हैं?
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Even in the present life, whatever good or bad deeds we are doing with the feeling of fruitfulness and doership, they are also creating new sanskars in our mind. All those sanskars, memories, attachments are the ropes by which we consider ourselves bound, but the question here is whether the soul who is a part of Brahman, the soul who is an eternal part of the Supreme Soul, should he be bound by the ropes of sanskars, attachments and memories. Can you stay tied?

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  • महर्षि दयानन्द की देश वन्दना

    महर्षि दयानन्द की देश वन्दना आर्यसमाज के संस्थापक महर्षि दयानन्द ने सत्यार्थप्रकाश में एक कर्त्तव्य बोध कराया है। यह बोध देश के प्रत्येक नागरिक के लिए धारण करने योग्य है। भला जब आर्यावर्त में उत्पन्न हुए हैं और इसी देश का अन्न जल खाया-पीया, अब भी खाते पीते हैं, तब अपने माता-पिता तथा पितामहादि के...

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