Advantages Arranging Marriage With Arya Samaj Procedure
Getting married with arya samaj procedure is very easy & headche free. If you are planing to get married with Arya Samaj procedure or Love Marriage with Arya Samaj Mandir, you are on the right way. By Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage Helpline, Lucknow Mandal (Uttar Pradesh), we provide full facility for love marrige, Arranged Marriage, Intercaste-Marriage, Inter Religion Marriage. There are lot of advantage to getting married with arya samaj marriage procedure some of them are-
1. Without unnecessary expenses - You avoid unnecessary expenses. You earn your money with hard work. Many people waste their hard earned money, which they have made during the year, in a day just to show people that they are rich people. Some of them take loan and they remain under the curse of debt whole life, consequently they have to sell out their house, land and other properties, and they spend their rest of life in the rented house. Thus such marriages become a curse for people. If we invest this money in a good and appropriate manner, we can utilize this money in many of our good works. Many people kill the baby girls in the womb because of the fear of their marriage expenses in the future. This has resulted in male-female ratio misbalance. Because of heavy expenses many people are not able to get married and have to live an unmarried life. Come; let us fight this battle together.
2. Dowry - Many people burn daughter-in-laws and kill them for dowry. Consequently, the family of bridegroom has to spend their whole life in prison. Thus both of the families live their lives in panic and the marriages which should be for the happy families turn to the reasons of sorrow. All the marriages which are conducted at Arya Samaj Mandir are totally prohibited from dowry systems because Arya Samaj is strictly against the dowry system. Thus you are always protected from this social evil.
3. Unnecessary Hassle - Marriages that are performed at Arya Samaj marriage Mandir, have limited invitees. We discourage big crowd in the marriage at Mandir. Thus you save yourselves from many unnecessary hassles like Tents, Band, Halwai, D.J. system, distribution of invitation cards, transportation for people, marketing etc.
4. Wine and Intoxications - Generally in most of the marriages in our country people consume wine and take intoxications. This usually results in quarrelling, fighting and many times it the situation worsens to the extent that people use guns and shoot at each other. There were instances when the Bride and Bridegroom had to suffer injuries. We are sure that no one would appreciate these kinds of incidents on the auspicious occasions like marriage. At our Mandir consumption of wine and intoxications are totally prohibited.
5. Caste System - If we desire true progress of our country, we need to work to alienate caste system from our society. As long as caste system prevails, people in our country will not experience and share true love with each other. Without true love we cannot become true human beings and if we are not true human beings, our nation will never make progress. We vote for a leader seeing his caste and not his ability and integrity. This is the reason that our nation has not been able to make desired progress so far.
6. Child Marriage - According to our law child marriage is completely prohibited, which attracts punishment if the law is violated. At Arya Samaj Mandir we only perform marriages if the boy has attained the age of 21years and the girl has attained the age of 18 years. You save yourselves from this social evil like child marriage.
7. Certificate of Marriage - In addition to the above, you are provided with a Certificate of Marriage which is very useful in the future. The certificate of marriage given by Arya Samaj Mandir is absolutely legally valid on the basis of which you are fully declared as Husband and wife. After securing Marriage Certificate, no one can harm you and even challenge your marriage in the court of law. If you wish, you can register your marriage on the basis of this certificate, in the Marriage Registrar office.
Contact for more information -
Please do not call us after 8:00 PM
Arya Samaj Marriage Helpline
Helpline No.: 8120018052
National Administrative Office
Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust
Arya Samaj Mandir
Divyayug Campus, Bank Colony
Annapurna Road, Indore (M.P.) 452009
Tel. : 0731-2489383, 8989738486
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विज्ञान सत्य का झरोखा है। सत्य का साक्षात्कार बड़ा प्यारा शब्द है। साक्षात्कार का अर्थ है - अक्ष या आँख के सामने। अक्ष का अर्थ इन्द्रियबोध भी है। आँख के सामने नहीं तो सुनने, सूँघने, स्वाद लेने या स्पर्श करने की गतिविधि भी पर्याप्त है। अनुमान से प्रत्यक्ष प्रमाण की ओर बढ़ना असंभव नहीं।
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Science is the window of truth. Interview of truth is a very lovely word. Interview means - in front of the axis or eye. Aksha also means sense organs. If not in front of the eyes, then the movement of hearing, smelling, tasting or touching is also sufficient. It is not impossible to move from conjecture to direct proof.
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सभ्यता और संस्कृति मर रही है, आवश्यकता है कि इस समाधान के लिए विश्व के सभी राष्ट्र आगे आएँ। विचारक व प्रतिभावना चिंतन करें। मनुष्यता के प्रति संवेदना एवं भावना को जगाने की जरूरत है। तभी आहात शोकग्रस्त मानवता की चीख-पुकार सुनी जा सकती है।
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Civilization and culture are dying, it is necessary that all the nations of the world should come forward for this solution. Thinkers and geniuses should think. There is a need to awaken the sensitivity and feeling towards humanity. Only then can the cries of aggrieved humanity be heard.
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ईशावास्योपनिषद् में ईश-सत्य व संसार-सत्य देखने की अभिलाषा है। पूषा वैदिककाल के प्रसिद्ध देव प्रतीक हैं। उनसे स्तुति है कि हिरण्यपात्र से ढके सत्य का आवरण करो। हम सत्य दर्शन के अभिलाषी हैं। पात्र हटाओ और सत्य दिखाओ। सत्य पर अंधविश्वास का आवरण है। वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण जरूरी है। विज्ञान सत्यप्रति का दिव्य उपकरण है।
Pandit Ji Sitapur - Lucknow Mandal | Arya Samaj Intercast Matrimony Sitapur - Lucknow Mandal | Arya Samaj Hindu Temple Sitapur - Lucknow Mandal | Hindu Matrimony Sitapur - Lucknow Mandal | Arya Samaj Helpline Sitapur - Lucknow Mandal | Arya Samaj Mandir Helpline Sitapur - Lucknow Mandal | वेद | महर्षि दयानन्द सरस्वती | विवाह समारोह सीतापुर - लखनऊ मण्डल | हवन सीतापुर - लखनऊ मण्डल | आर्य समाज पंडित सीतापुर - लखनऊ मण्डल | आर्य समाजी पण्डित सीतापुर - लखनऊ मण्डल | अस्पृश्यता निवारणार्थ अन्तरजातीय विवाह सीतापुर - लखनऊ मण्डल | आर्य समाज मन्दिर सीतापुर - लखनऊ मण्डल | आर्य समाज मन्दिर विवाह सीतापुर - लखनऊ मण्डल | वास्तु शान्ति हवन | आर्य समाज मन्दिर सीतापुर - लखनऊ मण्डल उत्तर प्रदेश | आर्य समाज विवाह सीतापुर - लखनऊ मण्डल उत्तरप्रदेश भारत
In Ishavasyopanishad, there is a desire to see the truth of God and the truth of the world. Pusha is a famous deity symbol of the Vedic period. He is praised that cover the truth covered with Hiranyapatra. We are desirous of seeing the truth. Remove the characters and show the truth. Truth is covered by superstition. Scientific approach is necessary. Science is the divine instrument of truth.
संस्कारों की परंपराएं कई काम हमें इस लिए करने चाहिएं कि हमारे बुजुर्गों ने अच्छी परंपराएं स्थापित की हैं। अगर हम इसका पालन करेंगे तो हमारे बच्चे भी इसे निभायेंगे। दुर्भाग्य से हम आज अपने बुजुर्गों के सम्मान को सुरक्षित नहीं रख रहे। एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय रिपोर्ट के अनुसार दुनियां भर में पच्चीस करोड़ से...
ज्ञान से आत्म कल्याण संसार की सबसे बड़ी मूल्यवान तथा महत्वपूर्ण चीज जीवन है। हम सब आत्म कल्याण, आत्म उत्थान और जीवन निर्माण के लिए धार्मिक स्थानों, सद्ग्रन्थों और महापुरुषों के साथ जुड़ते हैं। यदि हमें जीवन में सत्य का बोध नहीं हुआ, हमने अपने जीवन की बुराईयों, दुर्गुणों, दोषों आदि को दूर नहीं किया, पशुता से देवत्व की ओर...